Sensitivity analysis

Sensitivity analysis

This section describes how to quickly perform a sensitivity analysis of IPSIM models, using reports provided by the DEXi software (Bohanec, 2009).

The DEXi software (Bohanec, 2009) proposes an automatic procedure to calculate the weight of each attribute on the final output of the model. The procedure used is described here: Standardized local and global weights of each attribute are calculated as a function of aggregative tables using a linear regression method (Bohanec, 2009; Robin et al., 2013). They are approximated and express the influence of each attribute on the value of the output variable or the immediately above aggregated attribute. It is recommended to use the standardized values since they take into account the fact that the various attributes are associated with scales with various numbers of classes (Bohanec, 2009). These weights can be seen as an equivalent to a sensitivity analysis for quantitative models (Aubertot and Robin, 2013).

See in table 1: Respective weights of the attributes of IPSIM-Wheat-eyespot.